M:Tron is a LEGO series released in 1990 and finished in 1993. The design was very characteristic - red and black with addition of awesome trans neon-green color. I think every child loved it. I did :) Actually I still do :)
I build robot in M:Tron style. To be more exact it is Mecha - robot with pilot inside. Besides decent look of the Mecha I designed cosy interior. There is a walkie-talkie (it is classic for the M:Tron theme), lot of computer panels and even you can find there a cup!
This time there are no pictures. But there is an awesome movie instead!
P.S. Had some fun with creating sounds for the movie. Everything is home-made! :)
This project took me around 1 month to finish. One month for 50'ish seconds movie. That includes 5 days of actual shooti...
Today I'll show you a little thing. LEGO flower I built for my fiancée :) I think there is no need for longer descriptio...
I wanted to build something really small after building all those medium and big dioramas (2 still waiting for photo ses...
It sort of looks like robins mech!