Fast builds for Wacky Races contest organized by LUG. The goal was to create a crazy vehicle based on the brick number 10039 with pullback.
It is part with small wheel axle. You can view it here.
I made 2 vehicles - one for Batman and one for Harley Quinn. I wanted Batmobile to be the most exaggerated, with huge backside. I also wanted to refer to my previous Batmobile. At Harley's car I went for crazy shapes and the mechanism of the rotating turret with sniper.
I gotta finish writing now because like always I almost missed deadline. It is in 30 minutes. I thought it is in like few days xD Those 2 MOCs I built like 2 weeks ago but I had no time for taking pictures and making a video. So I made it just now in a big rush. I hope you'll enjoy it :)
And here is short movie where you can check out how they race:
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