All prices shown here are in Polish Zloty. You can pay in Polish Zloty, USD, Euro or GBP.
1 Polish Zloty will be converted to: 0.24 Euro, 0.26 USD, 0.2 GBP.
You can check final price of your order (before confirmation) after choosing payment type in the basket (Step 3 of 4)
19,99 zł
Not available
New product. Wrapping cutted for identification purposes.
Minifigure with accessory, stand and collector leaflet. The minifigures from the series are sold in a sealed package with unknown content. Here you can buy a specific minifigure! Each wrapping was cut in order to identify the minifigure inside and then sealed with transparent tape. You do not need to count on your luck anymore! Just buy the wanted minifigure!
- Personal collection (Warsaw, Poland): free
- Registered packages: 26
- Global expres: 44
* Price for one piece. When ordering several products, you pay only once for shipping. If you order several products, check the final price in the basket . Prices are valid only in European Union countries (excluding Poland).
The product contains small parts that threaten choking. Not suitable for children aged 0-6 years.
Additional information and answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.
All prices include 23% VAT.
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