All prices shown here are in Polish Zloty. You can pay in Polish Zloty, USD, Euro or GBP.
1 Polish Zloty will be converted to: 0.24 Euro, 0.26 USD, 0.2 GBP.
You can check final price of your order (before confirmation) after choosing payment type in the basket (Step 3 of 4)
129,99 zł
Not available
New product
Add a wintry touch of LEGO® style to your holiday celebrations. Build the Santa minifigure and Christmas tree, place them inside the translucent globe and then shake to make the white LEGO® snowflakes fly around. You can also hide small gifts in the secret drawer until the special day arrives!
Limited set which never have been at direct sales.
- Personal collection (Warsaw, Poland): free
- Registered packages: 68
- Global expres: 80
* Price for one piece. When ordering several products, you pay only once for shipping. If you order several products, check the final price in the basket . Prices are valid only in European Union countries (excluding Poland).
The product contains small parts that threaten choking. Not suitable for children aged 0-6 years.
Additional information and answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.
All prices include 23% VAT.
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