From some time the standard LEGO base plates (32x32 studs) seems to small for me. And putting few plates together starts to look like a big diorama. So I wanted to build something based on 48x48 studs plate. And then competition pop up on Eurobricks forum. It was great opportunity to try that bigger base plate.
I love it. You can build pretty big scene (comparing to 32x32) and it is still very easy to move whole diorama.
I also tested how this brown and dark red terrain will work. I will be building big diorama in this setup for fantasy-game-comic con. I think it works pretty well. I like it :)
As for the competition - "Create a scene, no bigger than 48x48 studs, where the Undeads roam and the Survivors fight for their life". Classic Zombies and horrors are not my thing but you can place those undeads in any time period. So I built my favorite Crusaders aka Lion Knights. One day of building and one for small fixes. Enjoy! :)
I made myself to run in a marathon. Marathon of creativeness. It was also a test whether I was able to produce the film ...
All the Mechas from my recent posts have been shown at the LEGO exhibition in Warsaw, Poland. I thought it was a good op...
This time an unusual project. Four different builders, including me, built one story. Everyone built one scene and photo...
Hi Kalais! I just randomly found your site while I was searching up old Lego Castle pieces. Just wanted to say fantastic undead scourge set!